About Corinne

about me

Why I trained as a Celebrant?

Since I trained as a Celebrant, particularly a Funeral Celebrant, I’ve been asked on more than one occasion why? So I thought I’d share a bit more about me and my why. 

I’ve always loved meeting new people, discovering their stories and supporting them through whatever is happening (the good, the bad and the in between!). So training as a celebrant felt like a natural step.

Celebrants support and guide at possibly the most important stages of life – welcoming new family members, marriage and death. I see being a celebrant as a huge privilege, being let into a family’s most special and memorable times. 

I’m empathetic, kind and loyal. I like to question and discover more; sometimes questioning someone’s way of thinking to better understand their view point and if appropriate help them find the right solution for whatever challenge they may be facing. 

Through my training I have learnt a lot about traditional ways of doing things and the more modern approaches, so I can support you to create a ceremony that is truly unique and fits with your own belief system and values – whether that’s keeping things traditional or pushing the boundaries. 

A bit more about me…

I love all things community. Away from celebrancy I run a local business membership – the Chiltern Biz Collective – this is all about like minded local business people. I also get involved in community activities in my village, Cheddington, and am the Co-Chair of Governors at our local school.

What keeps most busy is family life. I live with my husband, 2 kids (a girl & a boy) and our dog in the gorgeous village of Cheddington. You can often find me enjoying a cup of coffee and cake (anything chocolate!) in a local cafe, or out walking the dog. 

Through my training I have learnt a lot about traditional ways of doing things and the more modern approaches, so I can support you to create a ceremony that is truly unique and fits with your own belief system and values – whether that’s keeping things traditional or pushing the boundaries. 

Work with Me

If you’re interested in working with me then please get in touch so we can talk further.

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